The completed Zulu Love Letter website was done and dusted tonight. I'm really pleased with how it came out. I dig the design - it has an African, fun, quirky and bright feel. The theme of the patterned triangles, although emulated in different ways, is a consistent design feature of the site.
On a whole, I really enjoyed the actual concept of the project. It was something different and interesting. My Magazine "Pattern" is a hypothetical online magazine which caters to the DIY design heads while trying to promote South African culture. The logo is the repeated pattern just above the "Pattern" text and just below the extra links at the bottom of the page. I liked included the video about learning colour names in Zulu - just spices things up and provides some extra information and knowledge that could not be included in the article but is still relevant to the theme of Zulu culture.
I did found the Javascript something difficult to grapple. We went pretty quickly with it in class so I did struggle with the concepts. However, I was amazed at the power of Javascript and what a small amount of code can do. I'm hoping to apply this knowledge to my SRP Pizza Building Website. It'll be very similar in concept.
Please enjoy and check it out!
Congratulations. I had the some problems when I was learning Javascript. Now I have zero problems using it.