Monday, 13 August 2012

Mobile Magazine

I trust everyone's attempt at this mobi-mag went well...hey hey hey?

So far I have not had any brain surging and rocking ideas, but for the sake of providing a basic html layout of what the end result will look like I made up a temporary magazine called Siyaphi? Let us take you there! Which is Xhosa and means, 'where are we going?' Let us take you there (well duh that part was English).
I thought a tourist magazine about Africa would be fitting for the Zulu Love Letter assignment.

SIDEBAR: I will probably change the whole thing.

 For a detailed analysis of my mobi-mag layout you can check out my blogpost about it, but I know you guys are probably busy so hey just go straight to my one page site by clicking the pic.

1 comment:

  1. I followed the link to your blogpost. Good work! I had a look at your template and am glad to see the media queries in action. I think you have a good first draft and have identified relevant improvements to consider. As this is a template the content is still a bit thin and I would expect some more work to be done here.
