Sunday, 26 August 2012

Deadline FAM3008s Assignment 2 September 2012

Please Note that the FAM3008s Assignment: Mobile magazine feature and HTML5 app is due on 2 September 2012.

Please submit this assignment by submitting a blog post as author to the clearly indicating the following two links:

1) Your Zulu love letter Mobile magazine feature, including the interactive component.
2) Your Personal Blog

You will be assessed on how well your Mobile magazine feature is designed to adapt its layout and content to the client on which it is viewed (smart phone, tablet and desktop browsers). 

Also you need to include in your post an explanation of different strategies used by magazines who are adapting to the mobile era. 

Bonus marks: Include in your post an explanation of how you would go about saving the user’s design and displaying it as an image (png, jpeg etc)

For a reminder of the assignment details click the following link:

Some of the technical features I will be assessing:
1) Media Queries
2) HTML5 capability detection using Javascript
3) Customization of your interactive component

1 comment:

  1. A website should fit any business like a well-tailored dress. It should reflect your persona in addition to instilling confidence in the potential buyer that yours is a solid, stable and reliable business.
