Sunday, 12 August 2012

Feature Article Webpage Prototype

Below is a link to my feature article webpage prototype.


I am still in the process of adding images to my slideshow, restructuring the written article (as there is a bit of repetition and its not 'magazine-y' enough yet, adding the gallery to my tablet view (as it is currently only activated in smartphone and desktop view) as well as adding navigation links and links to other related articles. Also in smartphone view, list-style-type still needs to be set to none and I'm not 100% done with my design layouts, and whether I'm settled with the Google web font I decided to choose.

Having said that, Click Here to view my webpage so far.


  1. Excellent work! I can see that you have made an effort and take pride in your work. I had a look at your code and appreciate the comments and can see that you have approached this meticulously. Doing coding properly requires these abilities, so I think you definitely got what it takes. The visual design and layout is also nicely done. I am looking forward to seeing the final version.
