The top 5 in Descending order:
This blog is dedicated to considerate web design. Considerate Web Design refers to the practice of designing for the web with consideration to its intended audience and the devices used to access it. As the processing power and display capabilities of mobile devices have increased significantly over the last couple of years, it has become the responsibility for web designers to change their practices to consider these devices and their new capabilities.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Top 5 CSS3 animations and games (2nd year interactive media students)
The top 5 in Descending order:
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Animation links (CSS3, parrallax, etc.)
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
One last thing
Monday, 3 September 2012
Zulu Love Letter assignment: Robin Brink [BRNROB022]
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Magazine feature and blog
The move to mobile
The trend nowadays is the use of mobile devices to browse the web. Smartphones and tablets have made it easier, now more than ever, to do so and the increasing popularity of these portables have led to the Mad (Mobile Application Development) era. The transition from desktops to mobile has meant that current website owners who wish to expand on their mobile users have to build or tweak their websites to suit mobile browsing (otherwise a browser automatically adds an page scroll which is not preferable in mobile browsing). Here a four methods which can be used for this transition.Adjust
This method requires the programmer to adjust the viewport and text-size in the css. Webkit tools allows for the resizing and scaling of the webpages content. This approach is quick but problematic as the content and navigation is still made for desktop. This means that however a webpage would look on pc, it will look that way on mobile, just rescaled. Large files such as images would still have to load, slowing down the mobile usage.An example in the coding would look like this:
1 html {
2 -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; /* Automatically adjusted for Safari on iPhone. */
3 -ms-text-size-adjust: auto; }
Media Queries
One of the perks of HTML5 is its responsive layout capability. Using media queries, a webpage can adapt to suit different screen sizes. Problem with this approach is that HTML5 is still new so not all browser versions like IE8 are compatible with it. In favour of this method, I find it the easiest and method effective method (on a tight budget) to transition to suit mobile adaptability. Reason being is that with this method web designers can remove certain content from a webpage depending on the screen size. Using id or class div tags, content can be arranged in media queries so that large file assets such as large images wont load if say perhaps the screen is 480px. But this method would become strenuous in undertaking for existing websites already hard-coded to suit desktop layouts.An example of this approach in the coding would look like this:
1 @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
2 .desktopcontent { display : none;
3 }
*My magazine uses both the above mentioned approaches
A more expensive and timely approach for mobile conversion is redesigning the entire site. The site is designed specifically for mobile browsers so only necessary content and navigation are used, making mobile browsing easier and quicker. A link to the entire site should be provided if this option is used. An example of such site would be recognized (not exclusively though) by URLs ending with .mobi or contain
Anybody with a smartphone or tablet should know plenty about these. Apps are designed to best suit these portable devices. They are installed and used as programmes on mobiles, just like application software on pcs. Apps are lightweight and the most preferable option for mobile browsing. They are also quite intense in designing as they require most skill and expertise to make. There is now available apps for most popular websites such as facebook and twitter and other media (magazines and newspapers) such as Time and Daily Telegraph.Further reading on mobile design
Saving image from canvas
To save the image on the canvas, a function toDataURL() is used to save the image object to the image data URL. This saves the image onto the local storage where is can be accessed as an image file. Another function that allows the user to save an image from URL is that window.URL.createObjectURL() but this function only works on Chrome. For this project, GIF images of beads will be used to draw on the canvas, so to save the image as one or to make all the individual bead images to render as one image, an array can be used. This array can save the images, convert them to strings appending them to the URL and when the URL is called the image will reconvert from string to image. The URL will be used as the "file location" to send the zulu love letter in an email so that the custom made love letter image is viewed by the chosen recipient(s). To see more on these methods, click here.For my project a different approach is used. This method, which i think is easiest to use- and programme- is to convert the image to jpg, bmp or png using Canvas2Image. The user can rightclick or double tap after image is converted and choose a file location on local space to save the image. This method is explained further here.
Further reading on canvas
My links
BEADS Magazinetholoana23blog
shani assignment link
Another Problem Identified: Gallery
Sadly, my gallery has stopped working also as a side-effect of the inclusion of a custom pop-up box. While I have struggled to get it to respond, I am unable to be successful.
However, I have identified the cause of the problem after removing code piece by piece. The gallery works perfectly until I attach this javascript file to it, which unfortunately is a key component of the pop up box:
<script src="SexyAlertBox/mootools.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
There is definitely some code in the "mootools.js" that conflicts with the code in my gallery's own .js file.
Having said that and weighed all the odds, I have decided still to keep the popup box. I have included many galleries into the websites I have built over the passed year, but I have never customized an alert box in javascript. And through this experience I am learning so much about how easily the javascript codes in the plug-ins we download and install into our websites conflict. Also doing an alert box is new for me and I feel I have gained more by including it into my project than the gallery. Although I have left the code for my gallery in as it is, it has just rendered itself unresponsive for a responsive gallery...what an ironic end to my project!
Swirl Magazine: Zulu Love Letter Feature
Swirl Magazine Feature Article Zulu Love Letter (w/interactive component)
Access my Assignment:
Click here to access my Zulu Love Letter assignment.Click here to access my Blog.
Reflections & Rationale
About the Magazine:
My magazine is titled Swirl. I chose Swirl as it reflects a magazine that is both fun as well as trendy. I had no desire of creating a magazine that had an African focus as I wanted to place the concept of a Zulu Love Letter within the context of a more broader (and global) sphere.
Swirl magazine is meant to be a stylised craft magazine with a sentimental/nostalgic character. The magazine will showcase various crafts, art, and trends within those categories and the magazine is aimed at young teenage girls specifically.
About the Interactive Component:
The interactive component (i.e. building a Zulu Love Letter) was a great pleasure to create. I feel that as an interactive component it covers two essential functionalities, (a) it offers users the ability to create and manipulate as well as, (b) offering users the ability to share what they have just created -- adding a sense of social value to the component.
Reflections on the Assignment:
I genuinely enjoyed this assignment, I consider it a breath of fresh air! While I would've preferred to have the opportunity to really get our hands dirty with the JavaScript - as I feel we just saw the iceberg in the distance, not even got to the tip of it - I am pleased with what we've managed to learn. This very brief introduction to JavaScript has opened my eyes to the realm of possibilities that exist within this language and it is very exciting to add interaction to our work.
As far as media queries go, that must probably be the most useful thing we've learnt so far. With the migration of most web-based browsing to mobile and tablet, this certainly has been an upgrade to our skills and abilities and I am pleased that we have by now managed to get a solid fix on fluid layouts, which of course is integral to the use of media queries. Thank God for HTML5 and CSS3!
In terms of the different strategies magazines have been adopting in order to ease into the mobile era have been making use of scalable designs, such as the one we have produced through the use of media queries. With the wave of touch screens that have taken the mobile (and tablet) markets by storm, a major interest and curiosity surrounding interactivity has been ignited. In terms of this, magazines have begun investing resources into producing online versions of print magazines in the form of websites as well as mobile apps. These apps offer interactive components, competition entries via the mobile apps, sharing and 'liking', hyperlinking (for example in fashion magazines to brands and products) as well as other unique and exciting features. Transforming magazines in this manner also allows for animation effects and the incorporation of multimedia content such as videos and audio, making the experience of magazine viewing a million times more interactive, informative and innovative than their print versions. Magazines are also thus more affordable and can be read 'on the go'. These are just some of the aspects magazines have honed in on in their transition into the mobile era.
On the whole, I feel pleased with what we have learnt and it will definitely prove extremely useful for our SRP and other future projects we will be lucky to find within our reach.
Identified Problems
Below is a list of key problems I have identified in my code:
Function: "Undo"
The problem I identified with the undo function is as follows: when one adds a bead and removes it, the bead 'physically' removes, however, it does not remove from the beadArrayData we have defined. So if one saves the bead array, then it will still load with the bead that was undone in place. I attempted to rectify this by adding a piece of code (into my removeBead function) that read something like this:
Sadly this didn't work. Though it did clear the removed bead from the string but when one added the next bead and upon that added another, the second bead (and consecutive) added after it changed the colour of the first bead added after the removed bead and continued to only change the colour of the one bead and not actually add another bead. So that attempt failed.
Function: "Append"
For some strange reason, when the URL is appended, the string of beads are too long and exceed the width of my div id="logg" that I have defined. While I believe the solution to this is attainable and probably simple, I couldn't manage to figure it out without breaking the append. The append function also on occasion causes my "component" div to shift left after it has loaded the URL in some views -- I'm not certain how to fix this.
Custom Alert Box
I managed to customize my alert box (which you will be able to view if you click "save" or "save as PNG". While there is no error to speak of really, I just wasn't able to customize it to the extent I would've preferred. The CSS, while straightforward, corresponded to the JavaScript, which was not quite as straightforward. Also the Alert box is NOT responsive and I didn't fully understand how to achieve that without completely dissecting the CSS (which I don't have as much time as I would like to do so).
So I hope my efforts will at least be noted in this department.
Page Height
I do not wish to take out the custom alert box that I made but ever since I added it, the height of my page seems to exceed the footer. While it doesn't affect my media queries (that's why I have decided to keep the custom alert in), it still forces my webpage past the footer, which then displays just the gradient background with the pattern as set in the CSS of the page.
Saturday, 1 September 2012
All my other blog post I have been making are on my personal blog:
Strategies Magazines Use to Adapt to the Mobile Era
The World Needs More Love Letters...
I really enjoyed learning more about how sites are so easily adaptable for desktop, mobile and tablet. But I think it's safe to say, I am glad the assignment is done and uploaded.
I struggled a little to keep up with the speed in which we covered the assignment and often felt like I didn't want to add anything extra in case I broke the code, it stopped working and I didn't know how to fix it.
I think that most magazines need to have an online version these days. The whole world is moving towards an online location and print media is just not as profitable as online media. The ability to create interaction allows users to build a relationship with the magazine by interacting with it. I have seen many magazines use interactive quizzes which end with a recommendation about what type of clothes to wear, or what kind of food you should cook etc. The interactive elements allow the user to not only interact with that one particular page, but to follow other links provided on the page, and perhaps even do further research on the topic or item they are interacting with. Another aspect which online magazines are using, as we studied in this assignment is the ability to send and save our Love Letter for example. Not only could they send or save their results from the magazine app but they can share them on Facebook and Tweet them too, which helps the magazine to get more followers and potentially more readers.
As well as all the above mentioned points, an interactive online magazine which is available in tablet and mobile format is of huge value to readers who do a lot of reading on their phones and ipads. For example business men who commute on the trains for 2 hours every day and need something to read on their ipads. Rather than buying a new magazine every week, they can simply access the mobile version of the magazine which results in more readers for the magazine, more frequent downloads because it could never be sold out, easily transportable magazines, and feedback from their readers as to what they enjoy, and what they interact with the most.
The interactive component helps to attract readers, keeps the magazine fresh and up to date, keeps it accessible on mobile devices and tablets and thus brings 'print' media into the digital age. Therefore I think the future of magazines is to head towards an online, interactive, mobile-able version.
Here is the link to mine, it's very simple, but that's how I like it. No one wants a site that's going to take a thousand hours to download and chew up all the data on your phone!
Friday, 31 August 2012
A Complete "Love" Affair
So after many tears and screaming at an unresponsive, ironically named, "responsive" web page, I flung my hands in the air, and yelled "YES!", signaling the near end of my trauma. In short, Duke's web page is complete and working in Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.
I am happy with the way it looks expect for a few minor issues which should be sorted before the dust settles on this post. I struggled tremendously with understanding the Javascript code and more often than not, felt as dumbed down as the illness I had at the beginning of term caused me to be. The side effects of my confusion may be evident in the order of the code( which I tried to make as coherent/sound as possible) but ultimately, the functions used to SAVE an image and to APPEND kind of got the better of me in the end.
My site name "Ngiyakuthanda" means "I love you" and I felt tied in with the theme of the web page. The use of a gallery showcasing various zulu love letters also reinforces the write-up. The color choices are eye-catching and bright; just as African people are, and those of you who saw my first web page when we began this course will know, I'm in love with the diversity of Africa and all things African.
I find fluid grid layout exciting and am hopeful about the possibilities it presents for our SRP project in terms of mobile devices and catering for them. I have learnt a great deal, with a huge amount of effort and thank Duke for being patient with us. I am pretty certain that responsive web design is something I am going to try and become expert in because it is so relevant for keeping up with current technological advancements.
Check out my site here and don't be afraid to comment either :)
Enjoy the vac everyone!
My Thoughts on My Final Design and Course
Final Project Links
Monday, 27 August 2012
Some links for taking the interactive component to the next level
Getting URL parameters using JavaScript for passing data via a URL:
Adding drag, drop and resize functionality to the canvas using the Kinetic.js library:
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Deadline FAM3008s Assignment 2 September 2012
Please submit this assignment by submitting a blog post as author to the clearly indicating the following two links:
1) Your Zulu love letter Mobile magazine feature, including the interactive component.
2) Your Personal Blog
You will be assessed on how well your Mobile magazine feature is designed to adapt its layout and content to the client on which it is viewed (smart phone, tablet and desktop browsers).
Also you need to include in your post an explanation of different strategies used by magazines who are adapting to the mobile era.
Bonus marks: Include in your post an explanation of how you would go about saving the user’s design and displaying it as an image (png, jpeg etc)
For a reminder of the assignment details click the following link:
Some of the technical features I will be assessing:
1) Media Queries
2) HTML5 capability detection using Javascript
3) Customization of your interactive component
Sunday, 19 August 2012
When the code is your oyster
Friday, 17 August 2012
Beading the Interactive Component
Zulu Love Letter: The Uber-Version
If I had the awesome ability to properly code javascript in order to achieve my ideal version of an interactive component for the Zulu Love Letter, I would have interactive component be much more creative and constructive. Ideally, in terms of bead colour selection, I would like to have a set of colour boxes that allows users to select the precise shade of a specified colour they prefer. This will be represented by a row of differently coloured beads alongside each other. Once clicked upon, a preview window will pop up that would feature around 6 to 8 different shades of the selected colour. Users will then have to select their desired shade and it will go to the ‘selection box’ and users will be able to add the bead to the string. For the stringing process,I would like to include some basic animation, once each bead is chosen and dropped into the beading area, there will be a background image of a string where on the bead will move across and positioned in the next consecutive place designated by the beading process. I would like for the interactive component to have full touch functionality. In terms of touch, users will be able to drag each bead along the string themselves, thereby touchscreen users will have a unique beading experience non-touch users won’t necessarily have the opportunity to experience.
The design will be a lot more colourful than the mock up I made but the feel will be crafty and earthy, to evoke the feeling of Zulu culture. The Background of the beading area will feature a very light watermarked line drawing of Zulu maidens beading.
Lastly, once the last bead of the love letter has been strung, an option for saving and sharing the love letter will pop up. This will send it to a preview area where users are able to either (a) write a caption explaining the meaning of their love letter or (b) attach a pre-written colour coding guide as a caption to help receivers decode the love letter themselves. Once that has been chosen, users can then click “share” (via facebook/twitter) or “jpeg” to save the image and either “email” or “text message” it to the receivers (free of charge).
No-limits you say? Challenge accepted!
- Beading
- I would like to have the beads (all white) to already be on the canvas. Then with the cursor animated to look like a brush I want to be able to click on the bead and have it fill up with color as if it is being painted.
- Alternatively I could have the canvas blank and with a click of the mouse have the bead fly across the screen and into place under the pin. However I think it would be easier to create the love letter if all the beads were already on the canvas.
- Touch screen capability?
- I would actually like the user to physically bead the letter using the mobile screen and a fingertip. I would want an empty canvas and then a jar, much like the one above, and have the user pick beads out of a full jar and place then under the safety pin where it will lock into place. This would be a lot more fun but I assume a lot more coding.
- Edit options
- As you can see with the toolbar above the letter I would like to have an option for: undo, redo, camera and new. New will reset the love letter so that the user can start from over. The camera option will work like a screen shot but will only take a pic of the love letter. The camera will take the snapshot and save a jpg in the users default folder for images.
- Sending the love letter
- I have put an e-mail option in the top right corner so that once the letter is complete you can send the image with a little message to your loved one. It should probably be advised that the user take a snapshot of the letter using the camera icon and then send the jpeg.
Once the design is finished, a pop up would appear telling the person what there love letter means, then the person would then have an option to save their design. All of the saving and editing would be researching and finding code to implement it. With the saving option it would obviously give the person the option to save it on there computer.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Possible User Dynamics
1. Small-medium different coloured bead images could be placed above/ below the canvas. The images should be clickable so that which ever colour bead is double-clicked, that same colour will be added on the canvas. This method would be most pleasurable to touch-screen devices as it relies on tapping the images. For non-touch screen devices, the mouse will be used to select the desired colour.
A single click or tap on the bead can be used to remove the bead off the canvas.
2. The way I plan on doing it, is by assign a number (1-9) to each of the nine colours that can be used. The user will basically punch in which ever number is allocated to a colour and that coloured bead will be added.
I am hoping that I will be able to use a cursor so that a person may "backspace" on their pc's or add a delete button. The delete/backspace function will delete the bead before the cursor. The cursor will be able to move around the canvas so that any bead can be deleted without deleting the whole line (Just like a normal type pad).
-The methods can come with a reflection function that will allow for a symmetrical zulu love letter. The user can decide if they wish to have the reflector placed vertically/ horizontally or diagonally in the mid-section of the canvas.
-The reflector will basically work by adding the same colour bead added by the user on the other side of the reflector. So for example, if we have a 10x10 grid and the reflector is placed horizontally (across the x-axis) then the reflection of grid position(0, 0) will be grid position(0, 10). Alternatively, if the reflector is placed vertically (across the y-axis) then the reflection of grid position(0, 0) will be grid position(10, 0), etc. And if the user wishes, two reflectors can be added to reflect beads over both axis. Like the picture below.
The optional reflection function will make creating the zulu love letter easier as half or 3/4 of the work is already done for the user.
The next step would be saving the completed zulu love letter. On method on how that can happen is by setting the canvas to save the grouped png beads as single jpg (or which ever desired format) images. On mobiles, the image can be saved on an external (memory card) and on the other devices, it could be saved on the disk drive. From there, the user can share (BBM, whatsApp, tumblr, etc), email and even edit the image.
On a more advanced level, it would be cool if there were a sound element that could plot down beads according to the users instructions. Each colours could be matched to a specific phrase such as yellow being tied down to a phrase such as "you left me in poverty", to represent just that. "So much poverty" could add more yellow beads to the design and a phrase such as "i'm richer now" could remove all yellow beads. The amount of a specific colour will be determined by how much the user emphasizes the key words (poor, rich) and through quantitative words such as "much" or "less".
Links: Zulu Love Letter site Blog
Blog posts from the OTHER blog ;)
Mobile sites that blew my mind!-
Assignment Numero Uno-
New term, new term, new term!
Unrestricted Interaction
These are all options that could be used in the Zulu Love Letters application, if we didn’t actually have to code them all in. Sometimes I wish we could just wiggle our noses and our applications and sites would look and do exactly how we imagined them in our heads! :) A girl can dream! ;)
If I were to independently develop an interactive beadwork application... | Robin Brink
Were I to develop this project in my own time I would start prototyping my concept in Processing, a language and IDE which I am becoming familiar with. The first thing I would develop is a class of bead objects.
This class would define a bead object of a particular size, with mouse click interactivity for changing colours. I would use mouseX and mouseY coordinates in conjunction with a mouseClicked function to determine whether the user has selected a bead to change its colour.
I would initialise the bead object in an ‘off’ state, by which I mean the fill value would be undefined (or blank). When the user clicks the bead it would cycle through an array of fill colour options, eventually leading back to the ‘off’ state. A simple application of this idea would be hovering over a bead, clicking it to fill with a colour, clicking again (repeatedly) to cycle through the available colours, and clicking back to the blank state if need be.
Once this bead object has been developed I would declare a two dimensional array (or matrix) which is made up of an even number of bead objects (in their blank states). The user could then begin clicking different beads in the ‘grid’ and start developing their design. Processing features a very simple ‘save’ function which could be used to save a .jpg or .png to the cache.
The benefit of this approach is that the user can begin working on their design from any point within the ‘canvas’ - as opposed to working from top to bottom. The ability to cycle through colour options (in place) would also allow for creative improvisation and flexibility.
I have described a theoretical approach to this assignment within the programming framework of Processing. I would thus have to invest some time in learning how to write this program in Javascript as it is more widely implemented on the internet.
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Blog Assignment - Zulu Love Letter No-limits
As promised the skeleton code for the HTML5 Canvas detection
Due to time constraints in class I could not wait for everyone to take this down, so as promised, here is the skeleton code for the HTML5 Canvas detection. Please note: 1) I am expecting you to expand on this code and to communicate the browser's possible lack of capabilities clearly to your user.
2) You need to make sure to reference your Modernizr that you downloaded as it might be a different version and have a different path!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>HTML5 capability detections</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/modernizr.custom.78490.js"></script>
Sorry, but you need JavaScript enabled!
<script type="text/javascript">
if (Modernizr.canvas) {
alert("Canvas ready");
} else {
alert("no Canvas support");
Monday, 13 August 2012
Magazine draft
Hope the final looks this good. Wanna add a mini slideshow bar on the side-about 5*5 cm. That would be fresh.
Some screen grabs to amuse the eyes.
The desktop view:
Some stuff in between... and la mobile view
Does your browser have what it takes?
Find out how well your browser supports HTML5.
- My Chrome 21 on Windows 7 here at home rakes in 437 points out of 500 (plus bonus points). Whats also helpful is that you can see what elements your browser supports and the canvas element appears to be on of them.
And for those who are not up to speed with all the HTML5 elements there is a site which shows the all HTML5 elements in a Periodic Table. Fun.
Mobile Magazine
So far I have not had any brain surging and rocking ideas, but for the sake of providing a basic html layout of what the end result will look like I made up a temporary magazine called Siyaphi? Let us take you there! Which is Xhosa and means, 'where are we going?' Let us take you there (well duh that part was English).
I thought a tourist magazine about Africa would be fitting for the Zulu Love Letter assignment.
SIDEBAR: I will probably change the whole thing.
For a detailed analysis of my mobi-mag layout you can check out my blogpost about it, but I know you guys are probably busy so hey just go straight to my one page site by clicking the pic.
Magazine draft
But this is what I have so far :)
- Logo has been designed, however it does need to be improved - needs more oomph!
- Cannot get font (african theme) to work in all browsers.
- Sidebar jumps from the left side to the right in Safari.
- When the computer screen is minimised to mobile screen size, header overlaps the logo.
My site so far
What still needs to be done:
- The title of my magazine "// Pattern" needs to be redone in the CSS as it gets too small when the screen goes to mobile screen size.
- I seem to have a strange margin on the one side of the site - need to find out why it's doing that.
- Plugin a slideshow.
- Change the layout of extra information section so that it is more user-friendly.
Sunday, 12 August 2012
Use it | Don't use it
30 Useful Responsive Web Design Tutorials
- Have a good night!
Feature Article Webpage Prototype
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Friday, 10 August 2012
Mission: A Zulu Love Letter
Capabilities: The magazine should comprise of basic magazine features such as a logo and a smart design/ navigate user interface. The web page should also:
- Be online (just in case)
- Have an interactive component allowing users to build and customize their own Zulu Love Letter
- Feature hi/low res images of Zulu Love Letters as well as text for articles and instruction.
- Adapt across screen sizes
- Provide links for further exploration
Requirements: Technical requirements for the webpage include knowledge of HTML5/ CSS3. We'll be using HTML5 as opposed to the normal (but outdated) HTML4 because of the canvas element which "allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes and bitmap images" (thanks Wikipedia). For the interactivity component, designers will need to know their way around JavaScript. Some touch-up requirements to set your magazine from rest will include knowing what your user basically wants. This means leaving out all gibberish in texts, having an eye for thee design and most importantly, a fully functional-easy-to-understand webpage.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Bring with next week (13 August)
We will be starting the interactive component of the Zulu Love Letter next week, so remember to bring along transparent png files for each of your colored beads.
I would like to also remind you that we agreed that you will be adding a blog post to the linking to your "online magazine web article" by Monday. This is important so that I can give you some feedback and we will be able to identify technical problems early on in the process.
Monday, 6 August 2012
The vision of web (some thoughts and such like)
-interactivity (Main assignment creating a mobile app using Zulu love letter)
-feature article about Zulu love letter
-Picture\pictures of Zulu love letter.
-This all must be built for pc,tablet and mobile.
-fluid layout
-Online magazine look
-Internet (different for each device)
-All are capable of having audi and video
-All can respond with keyboard (touch screen or not)
-All have a saving option
-Sending and receiving information and emails
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device